Part Two; The Creative Place

I think it’s funny we settled here, because years ago, I was thinking up a character for a novel. She was to be a writer, and lived in the LA area. At that time, I looked over a map of LA County and settled on Topanga for her hometown. And now here I am, the writer living in Topanga! I also had a fantasy of sitting at my writing desk, looking out a big second story window, and seeing great views of nature. That also came true for me here! Who would have thought that I’d have dreamed my situation so well!
It’s natural for everyone out here to be creative. With its entertainment industry, LA must pull in creative talent from everywhere. Virtually all the people I’ve met since coming here seem to be majorly talented. They’re working on a screenplay or movie, giving concerts and writing songs, doing art and graphics. Something creative is in the hopper.
Even the neighbors are musical. Next door lives an extraordinarily talented guy who writes music for commercials and on the other side of us, a rock drummer jams occasionally with friends in his garage, playing old Beatle and Rod Stewart tunes. And when we take a walk up our street, we can hear pianos tinkling, saxophones going, guitars and singing too. Reminds me of music school days, when we’d go to the practice room wing and hear the cacophony of practicing musicians, one to a room down the hall.
The views from the house are fantastic. Being at the edge of the Santa Monica Mountains preserve, the largest wilderness area close to a major metropolitan area in the USA, we see nature on a vast scale, abundant with views in any direction you can look.
You should see LA at night – a glorious sea of twinkling lights that continue down the coastal curve, called “The Queen’s Necklace.” When we take walks down Tuna Canyon at night, the various views of the Queen’s Necklace at each turn of the road are breathtaking. In the day, the vistas are vast and powerful. The mountains have a presence and a personality we have both come to enjoy and treasure. I wonder if I will ever be able to live in flatlands again!
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