Part One; We're on the Road Again...

We left Friday, May 11, in our RV, aiming for the Lazaris workshop in Virginia and a visit with my sister. The first night we parked just south of Melbourne, on the beach about 20 feet from the sand dunes and on the other side of them, a beautiful ocean. Mother Ocean has slow, flat inclines into the water, so the waves wash over the sand in huge hissing rounded sheets of foam and sparkle - warm and sensual. I enjoyed wading into the tingly flow and grounding myself to the beautiful strong sand underneath, feeling the gentle massage of the wind, and watching the pelicans, ibis, and sandpipers feeding. When walking on the beach, I noticed the flotsam was speckled black. On closer inspection, we realized that the specks were millions of lovebugs (there was a love-bug invasion going on here, and the front of our RV and truck grill were covered with the insects). They not only die in traffic on all the moving vehicles, but obviously they also fall into the ocean and are washed ashore, deliniating hide tide levels, then lower tide levels in so many curving parallel lines along the beach.
Saturday, we visited Mary Seid and her many interesting gizmos. We sat with the molecular enhancer, a machine consisted of a plate upon which you put your feet, a transformer, an intensity adjusting box and a huge bulb that you hold. You are gently "sizzled" with a form of static electricity that opens up and flushes the lymph, circulation, and more. All stiffness and pain disappears. We experienced this machine twice before, during our RV trip last year and both times the bulb was glowing violet with argon gas. This time it was orange-colored neon. Mary said that this was her favorite because it youthened the user and grounded them better than the others, although she has used the argon, also krypton and other gases. We were unable to purchase a unit, assembled by her husband from parts he makes and those she orders, because the demand has gotten ahead of their capacity to stock the machine! A thriving cottage industry! She also sells the violet ray, and an Edgar Cayce designed copper grid setup with poles to hold that balances and relaxes the body. I felt so relaxed by using that after the stimulating molecular enhancer (ME), that when we finally returned to the trailer, I took a nice hour-long nap! Supposedly, both the ME and the Cayce circuits can help sleep, which is what I'm after. Check out Mary's fascinating site at
And then a surprise! While we were chatting about healing energies, my non-new-age sister calls me on the cell, sounding very light and different. Seems she and husband Gary attended a friend's son's wedding in Palm Springs CA and visited an energy healing device called the "Integratron." It must have made a good impression on her because she was unusually enthusiastic and not her droll witty self. If it made that much of an impression on her, we'll have to visit it. And since it will be on our path anyway, we have an additional something fun to look forward to in Southern CA later this year.