Part Nine A; Movin' West to Columbus

Onward to Ohio
Back into Pennsylvania we went, as the road west to Ohio went through there. We didn’t mind, as Pennsylvania is quite beautiful and RV parks plentiful. The first night in the state, we found a huge park near a lake. It was crowded with RVs of all shapes and undulating with youngsters enjoying the huge (and I mean huge) pool. The kids rode bikes and electric golf carts and seemed mostly unsupervised. But we saw and heard not one rowdy kid – amazing! We parked in a grassy field area where the overnighters stayed. Along the outer edge of the park were the full-timers, and what an eccentric lot they were! Most were retirees and they certainly spent time decorating their spaces. Trailers were decorated with patriotic or other themes and lawn furniture, statues, rugs, rocks, huge colorful flowers (many in big pots), walks, fences, lights, porches attached, flags, and big hand-crafted signs announcing “Jim and Janet’s” or “The Joneses” type of family identification. Some had silvery iridescent pinwheels fluttering in the breeze. Others had pink flamingoes standing in their yard. One had a large wooden rabbit with a sign “bye” on it. A sign to go away?
Several fires were smoking and I was glad we were at one side of the camp and mostly upwind of them all. Many people had dogs who guarded their trailers under awnings next to garden sheds with lawnmowers and even weed-wackers. Yes, there was lawn, lots of tiny patches between trailers. We watched the man across the street sit astride a huge riding mower to mow the fussed-over little bright green strip of grass between sites. Overkill? Or macho? Or just age? Older women in big floppy hats kneeled in flower beds with their hand shovels digging out weeds. Landscape plants that must have been established years ago surrounded the yards – large podocarpus bushes, roses, flowers and shrubs unfamiliar to me.
Now here was an RV park where we didn’t stand out or look odd!

Behind the park was a path up the side of the hill and over a rushing stream that landed us on a great “rails to trails” path. Many defunct railroad lines have been transformed into trails. This one was a bike trail and no motorized vehicles were allowed. We walked along the stream twice as a wonderful peaceful hike. The first time we walked the trail, we came to the end at a road. We made a right onto the road, enjoying the shade of big trees on both sides. We came across a street with a big sign “Memory Lane.” It was lit up with lights and inviting, so we entered an enchanting place. Seems several members of a family lived here and the weekend we were here was also their family reunion. Walking down the road, we came across several of them preparing a picnic table. All of them were friendly and open. No one was annoyed, tense, hostile, or apprehensive. Maybe it was the beautiful countryside. Sometimes I feel sad that urban folk have to endure all that traffic and noise stress and not enjoy the laid back pleasures of the peaceful nature-filled countryside.
I had some difficulty sleeping through barking dogs, but I got enough to keep me awake. We hit the road again, heading westward and arrive just before sunset at Lake Seneca RV Park in a watershed conservation area. The campers here were mostly full timers too. A neighbor told us she rented the place for the whole year so that during the summer, she and her husband, children and grandchildren could come and enjoy the place. Unfortunately, she was also into fires and her fire smoked us out pretty well. So instead of smelling the wondrously fresh air only a few hundred feet away in the woods, we had to keep our windows closed and the air purifier on. The lake was pretty and we thoroughly enjoyed our walk there.

That night I really got into my frustration and judgment about the inconsiderate people who burn fires and don’t care if others are downwind or not and all the tough as nails people who never have any physical health sensitivities and their inability to understand the stress they are creating or care about it. The neighbor said “well, when you have camps you have fires” and smiled at me that annoyed and pitying look at the “weak” one – me. Of course that made me angry. She was right – campgrounds have campfires, and that I was inconvenienced was no responsibility of hers. That night I looked at all my issues about this and did a process to let go of the righteous anger payoff, which was my attachment to my anger and an egoistic “better-than” position. After all, I am sensitive to other peoples’ needs, unlike those insensitive clods! I felt a weight lift off of me and I fell asleep. By morning, I felt much better and lighter, as if I were in my 20’s. Happier than I’ve been in a long long time, I had indeed experienced a healing. The weather was also quite chilly and this was also a delightful change from the heat wave we’d been experiencing for the previous couple of weeks. The windows still needed to stay closed because it was smoky from the overnight smoldering fires, but otherwise, I felt good in my body and optimistic. This processing stuff works!
Sunday morning, we walked over the camp in the woods and found an old cemetery from the late 1800’s. There were maybe a dozen tombstones in a little clearing on top of the hill belonging to one family. We imagined that the family could have donated the land with the stipulation that the cemetery be kept up. Coming down grassy hills to the lake, we saw wild geese nibbling in the grass. What do they eat? We couldn’t tell.

It was an easy ride to Columbus as we were not that far away. On a moody, rainy day, we saw the last of the mountains melt into hills and even smaller undulations of earth until it was flat, dusty, and hot as we rode into Columbus and located our RV park just west of the downtown. We had reserved a spot at the Alton RV Park – the last spot. We suspected that we would end up parked virtually on the street because, as the owner said, there was a big softball competition going on here and lots of parents and grandparents were camping at the park. She had stressed that we would not be able to get sewer hookups, so we were going to have to decamp every other day and drive over to the dump station and back to our site – a real hassle.
Nevertheless, before we arrived, I asked spirit to give us a full hookup site and was cool if that wasn’t possible. We pulled up to the camp – an old two story post-Victorian home surrounded by a couple of acres of RV’s parked at seemingly random angles. Before we could knock on the door, a cheerful woman got up from pulling weeds and came to let us in. She was the owner, a woman in her 60’s or maybe early ‘70’s who lived in the charming house. She had had to take care of her ailing mother and so the camp enabled her to stay at the site and be fully devoted to her patient. The mother had died a few months earlier, but the camp kept her busy and was a source of income for her. She immediately assigned us a full hookup spot. Maybe it was because when she had asked us over the phone how long we would be staying, we had mentioned that we might stay in Columbus an extra few days if the circumstances were favorable (like full hookup) and she was hopeful. Or maybe it was something else. Anyway, she didn’t act disappointed at all when we said that we were only going to be there 3 nights and not 5 or 6. But as we left the office, I was elated. More magic! We weren’t parked out on the street as I had feared.
We called Pamela, the one we’d come to visit, as soon as we set up. She had a hard time getting out of the house – always had – and so we knew she could be getting ready while we ate dinner. Pamela had been a close friend of ours when we had lived in Miami. We had traded healing sessions for years. Unfortunately, Pamela contracted some bug when visiting Panama and ended up with chronic fatigue (CFS). Unable to work as the massage therapist and energy healer she was, she moved back to her parents’ place in Columbus. She hadn’t recovered and both of her parents had died, so she currently lived on disability. A few hours after dinner with just an hour left before my bedtime, Pamela finally arrived at the trailer. She had refused to let us visit her because her place was too much of a wreck, she said. Even when Pamela was well, back in the 1980’s in Miami, she had arrived late for everything. So we weren’t surprised or disappointed.
She updated us on her misadventures in love, and problems with money and health, but most of all, we talked about our favorite metaphysical topics. Before I had channeled Galexis, I had gone regularly to a channel in Hollywood Florida named Mataare. Less than a month before Galexis first came through as an un-named group (which we originally dubbed “The Voice”) I had gone to Mataare for a channeling. One of the entities who came through said “there are some beings here who would like to channel through you.” So I felt Mataare was there at the beginning for me. Mataare showed me how natural it was to bring in interesting entities and have comfortable chats with them. Pamela also went to Mataare and even after both she and Mataare moved away from South Florida, she kept in touch with him. She subscribes to his weekly classes over the internet which he gives to a group of 30 or more spread across the USA. Check him out at It was good to talk about the friends we’d shared and when we had passed my bedtime by 15 minutes, I gently closed our conversation. We planned to reconnoiter the next day for an interesting adventure with Pamela. She promised us it would be intriguing!
Healing Horses
The next day, Pamela came over as early as she could get up and get ready, due to her CFS. It was probably at least 1 pm before she showed up at our trailer. She snuggled into Aylar’s big back seat and we drove out into the countryside. She had had a relapse lately – she called it “bad days.” Her energy had been very low, but since we were coming and she was so excited to see us, she had done extra B-12 and other special boosters and to us she seemed virtually normal. I told her she could stretch out in the comfy back seat if she were tired, but she replied that being with us was so special she was gaining energy from it.
We slipped out past Columbus on the North side and past several small towns as Pamela directed us where we were going. Her friend Michele had a farm with several Appaloosa horses that were special in that they were energy healers. Seems one of the original horses had lived for over 50 years and had healed several children who came and rode her. Although that horse had died a few years ago, another old dam named Sere that was over 40 was still doing healing. Two years ago, Michele’s farm was destroyed by a tornado. People were there visiting the horses when it happened. Sere led the horses into position around the people to protect them before anyone even heard the wind! No people were injured, although Sere was picked up in the storm and dumped down the road. Sere returned to the farm blinded but proud and subsequently “taught” the younger horses how to do their healing service and kept them in line. Sere also did some magic. One time Michele had locked Sere in her stall only to see her checking on the younger horses and fussing over them. When Michele arrived at Sere’s stall, Sere was inside and the stall was locked. Sere was the mysterious “Houdini” horse!
Trips to this farm had rejuvenated Pamela every time she went there. She suspected that without the horses, she might have died. Michele rebuilt the farm mostly with donations because the insurance company refused to pay anything. Subsequently, she was terribly in debt and overworked. She had to work a full workweek and then take care of the horses and the whole farm. Michele was exhausted and was barely able to keep up, even with a woman volunteer who came by during the day to check on the horses and help with the feeding.
We arrived at the farm before Michele returned from work. Her house was unlocked. Nothing much was in there it was sparse and bare but pleasant out of the wind. Her cute sheepdog was definitely glad to see us and hungry. We went into the barn where there were 5 or 6 horses in various stalls. Pamela told us that normally when one visits, Michele will translate what the horses are saying along with their healings. The horses may be loquacious, but since none of us were particularly good at telepathy, we had no idea what any horse was saying. All I know is that when I walked up to the door of the stall where there were at least 3 horses, the horses were inquisitive. One, named Charm, came up to me and nuzzled me over the stall door. I felt a flow of relaxation and peace coming from her. Infused with energy, I wanted more but she didn’t give any, and returned to standing in front of the fan. It was a hot day and there was an annoying outbreak of horseflies in the barn, so standing in front of the fan gave the horses relief from the stinging beasts. Most of the horses also had on a net across the eyes to protect their eyes from the flies.
Pamela and I talked with and patted whatever horse we could reach while Daniel went over to the solitary brown horse lying down and resting in another stall. This was Adeline, who had some years on her and had broken her leg in the tornado. As an experiment, a local surgeon repaired the leg. Now it is common knowledge that horses don’t heal once the leg goes. That’s why when a horse has broken a leg it is generally put down. However, the surgery “took” to a small extent and thus made history. Adeline was therefore the horse that should’ve died but didn’t. Even though she limped around on 3 legs and was tired much of the time, she did healing too. Since Daniel is a healer, he decided to run on Adeline some techniques he learned in the Access classes that are very powerful. Adeline seemed to respond to him, although she pretty much ignored the rest of us. I wished I knew what Adeline was saying telepathically!
Finally Michele returned home along with another woman, a volunteer. The horses perked up. Michele met me and Daniel and appeared disinterested in us. I saw she was exhausted and was not in the mood to entertain. So we stayed out of the way and watched. After a few moments, I couldn’t help myself and I asked her what the horses were saying. She replied, “hurry up with the food!” This was not what I expected metaphysical healers to say! I asked Michele if she would ask the horses what they thought about us visitors and Michele said that the horses were interested in us because all three of us knew about energy and healing and that they would be interested in sharing or swapping energy healing techniques. So Daniel and I did some healing. I did some Quantum Touch on Charm and Daniel did more on Adeline.

Finally the horses were fed and Michele turned her attention to us. We talked for a while with Michele about the farm, and then we were tired and ready to leave. The farm is a foundation, the Serendipity Stables and you can read more about it on the web in various articles if you google “serendipity stables Columbus Michele”. If you feel moved, please make donations to help sustain the horses. If there isn’t enough money for the horses, Adeline may have to be put down and Sere too, and the horses separated to other farms. Michele showed us a children’s book she had written in simple poetic form with pictures of the original healing horse. Pamela, Daniel and I crawled back into the truck and headed over to Pam’s favorite Chinese buffet restaurant and reminisced about all the people we knew and the adventures we had had.
The second morning in Columbus, Daniel and I went shopping and then Pamela showed up as soon as she could. We had offered her a reading with Galexis and a healing afterwards with our (new to her) techniques. Galexis went into depth with her and the session was profound. On a note pad, Galexis wrote a list of things to focus on in the healing process to follow. After a brief break, Pam laid down on the big bed in the RV and Daniel began clearing her energy field. I gave Daniel the list and said “I’m tired or something. Would you please start without me? I can join you later.” I felt disoriented from the intensity of the reading and needed a “state break” before I concentrated on something. This need for a state break continued so long that Daniel ended up doing the whole healing session!
But this was a good thing. Pamela was blissed out. She said that every cell in her body connected into 4th Dimensional Consciousness and she felt better than she had in a very very long time. We realized that the Galexis reading and Daniel’s healing had been far more profound than the simple addition of the two sessions. There had been some synergistic or quantum expansion of the power of this healing event – a divine 1-2 punch! Pamela was so impressed that she said she would tell everyone in the Mataare network she knew, and she emphasized that a dear friend much in need of healing was in our trip’s path in Oregon. I was uncomfortable with this, as I didn’t want Mataare to think I was undermining his network. So she said she would go carefully in light of my concern.
She couldn’t stay. She had been scheduled for a sleep study that began in the early evening to determine why she slept for so many hours or if she had sleep apnea. So we said our goodbyes and I gave her one of the crystals from the Arkansas mine – a real sparkler. After she left, we were charged up, but soon we felt very tired. After we ate, we took another walk around the nearby neighborhood, where crack repair in the roads was an art. Notice how the “design” made by the repair resembles a Celtic knot of some sort (see picture below). We had seen unusual repairs all over Columbus. Some resembled ET writing or another language like Urdu. Afterwards, we headed to our own “sleep study” in the RV.

Part B coming soon…
Part Nine B; Toledo

We Camp in Toledo
The morning of our departure, we hustled to two health food supermarkets so that we could get back and hook up before the check out time at the park. One of the stores was the second largest Whole Food Store in the country after the biggest one in Texas. Counter after counter of specialties tantalized us and it took us a lot longer to shop than we’d planned. Example of the counters included fish, breaded fish, meat, deli, olives, cheese, hot nuts, and a double salad bar. We arrived back at the RV with enough stuff to fill the refrigerator and pantry.
Ohio was already flat by the time we had reached Columbus, which was therefore definitely not a place we wanted to stay a long time in. Trees and mountains had made me feel oh so very happy, but hot, dry and flat was not inspiring. So there was very little more the earth could do to flatten itself by Toledo, which was situated in the low lands around the Great Lakes. The wind was high and rippling through endless fields of soy and corn broken only by small islands of trees. We had a hard time staying awake – boredom? Or positive ions, as a friend had suggested? Rain was threatening by the time we wove our way through road construction on the west side of town and into the first few hundred feet of Michigan just north of town.
We arrived at Debbie’s place, about 500 feet from the Ohio state line in Michigan. The neighborhood was quiet and pleasant with lots of trees. Debbie wasn’t in but her dog was terribly excited about our arrival and came out to greet us and pee on the back tires of the truck. Her daughter was there and ushered us to the table on the deck. After calling her mother and telling Debbie that we were here, she proceeded to ask me very pointed questions about channeling and psychic phenomena. She happened to be gifted and has had many profound experiences, some out-of-body. I was glad that I had had so much experience with the topic in my past so that I could answer them for her. However, I was too tired to channel and it was starting to rain.
Finally Debbie appeared, having been working at her nursing job. After hugs and hellos, we decided where to plant the RV and Daniel did some fancy backing of the whale into the yard next to the porch. Although it was drizzling when we began, the rain abated as we set up. Dry-docking at someone’s home was a new experience for us and we hoped it would work. Our plan was to stay in the RV but go into the house for our bathroom needs. That way we wouldn’t load up the gray and black-water tanks. We also needed to do very little or no cooking in the RV unless we washed the dishes in Debbie’s sink. But it seemed that cooking had already been done this day. Debbie had dinner ready as soon as we had set up.
Debbie is a massage therapist, Reiki teacher, energy healer (using various techniques), nurse, and metaphysician. She has a healing room in her house set up with crystals and other power objects that resonates so strongly with healing that you relax as soon as you walk in the door! The house was relatively new, for her previous house had burned down completely 5 years earlier. It was beautiful except that it was filled with smell challenges for me. Debbie used fabric softener, had fragrant candles and oils, and her bathroom had bottles of every shape and size and smell. She was a collector of skin products with all their fragrances too.
After a delightfully simple chicken dinner (and of course my telling Debbie about the smells and dangers of the chemicals etc.) we talked for hours. We were scheduled for a Galexis event in her house the next evening and so we also looked at the room and discussed logistics. Daniel and I were tired as usual after traveling and slept well through the rain.
Hardly anyone living in a regular house has a 30 or 50 amp outlet. Debbie didn’t either, and a single plug-in to a 15 amp fuse was simply not enough for us since we were going to have to have some air conditioning through the expected heat wave coming to the Toledo area. People had already died in its path through states west of us. After the rain, it was steamy and warm and we couldn’t use the A.C. So the next morning, Daniel fussed with the outlets, checking to see if they were on the same side of the fuse panel bus. He went to the hardware store nearby and returned with extra extensions and miscellaneous pieces, fashioning a “Y” together between our 30 amp outlet and two 15 amp outlets. This is dangerous, he pointed out, if one doesn’t know what they’re doing. I was grateful that Daniel has had a lot of electrical wiring experience.
Here we are parked next to Debbie’s house.
Galexis and Crystals
The event was named “Conversations with Galexis.” We had Galexis talk for about 15 or 20 minutes on a topic and then opened up the room for questions. We also had pulled out some of our Arkansas crystals and offered them for sale. Debbie was well known in the Toledo “TLC” network, which normally met every first Wednesday evening of the month and she was easily able to round up around 20 people to come hear Galexis. After the event, people hung around and talked. We met truly interesting people, had fun, and sold a few crystals. One man who attended had never had a private Galexis reading but had purchased every workshop CD we had released. This was a first for me, since before this, only our private clients had been purchasing them. Is this a tiny taste of what fame is like, I wondered?
The next day, Steven Gaynor arrived. Steven was a podiatrist with a successful practice in Toledo. One night he had a spiritual awakening and soon found he had healing ability in his hands. He began healing some of his patients and a few of them got the local medical board upset about this. So Steven had to go to court 7 times to defend himself. He essentially won all his cases, but handed in his license anyway and moved to Florida with his family. He wrote a book on his experiences entitled “From Doctor to Healer.” I’m sure you would find it as fascinating a story as I did. Currently, he travels around the world teaching the healing system he received from Source as a gift. Contact him to purchase the book and see if he’ll be in your area. His website is
We had met Steven in Florida several months earlier. He had become a Reverend which enables spiritual energy healers to practice without persecution. He wanted to join our organization, the Florida State Association of Spiritualist Ministers, since belonging to the organization affords some protection for spiritual workers under many local laws. He arrived at our house in Plantation Florida with a copy of his book and as we swapped our spiritual stories, he became fascinated in the fact of my channeling and Daniel’s energy healing. We did an exchange, Galexis for healing. After that, he would call us up to speak to Galexis before his trial dates asking about how to handle the energies. Steven loves Galexis. So here he happened to be, back in Toledo and staying at Debbie’s house too. Debbie had been his first and most ardent supporter in the early days of his trials and tribulations and as he expanded his capacity to heal. This time he was going to the final hearing on Friday. Steven didn’t ask us if we wanted to do another Galexis workshop. He and Debbie decided that the TLC group’s first meeting in August needed to be Galexis. So they convinced the local speaker for the month to move to a subsequent month and slotted Galexis in. We would have to stay an extra day to do this, so although I wanted to hit the road west, I accepted the volunteering for the following Wednesday evening.
Friday was a channeling day and since I sit and talk all day, by Saturday I was stir-crazy. So Daniel and I headed north 50 miles to Ann Arbor’s Whole Foods Store and Arbor Organics. On the way back we stopped at Toledo’s local Claudia’s Organic Market. We were pleased at every step of our trip about the quality of foods available and stocked up on yummy stuff. We also had to find a local Laundromat because Debbie’s laundry room was imbued and drenched with petrochemical fragrances, mostly detergent and fabric softeners. Even though a public Laundromat has all of these smells, we are usually able to find some washers and dryers where it doesn’t smell all that bad. We aired out the clothes and sheets afterwards by draping them over the awning poles or hanging them all around the RV. This reduced the smells to tolerable levels.
The Angel Light Power Vortex
Sunday came and with it another adventure. Jim Uhl, the fellow who had purchased the Galexis CD’s, took Daniel and me to a very special local site. Jim is a big man with a small car but we all fit in somehow. He is a practicing psychologist in Toledo and a wonderfully warm, humorous and kind man. We rode out past the suburbs and into flat endless farmlands. It was a hot sunny day with hardly a cloud in the sky, but the breeze was good. It seemed that a local man who owned a small farm had established a sacred ritual place that now manifested a magical vortex. I had heard from Lazaris that it is very feasible to create your own vortexes and power spots, but before this had never known anyone personally who had actually done it. In a remote area, we drove into a nondescript parking area around an old renovated barn that was now a meeting place with pillows, rugs, power objects, shamanic art, and comfortable furniture. Although it was open to the outside air, the floor was dirt and everything smelled a little musty or mildewy. This wasn’t the vortex, Jim said. We waited for the farm’s owner.
Jerry Herr arrived and greeted us and hopped in his truck, leading us in Jim’s car along a cornfield to a remote and quiet place far from any building. At a corner of his property there were some trees (trees! yeah!) and a creek demarcating the corner. On every side of this island of green stretched flat fields of corn (field corn rather than eating corn, he said) and hay. There were no buildings near this site and the place was remarkably quiet. Jerry said that he had frequently wanted to be alone and meditate, so he chose this magical place to escape to. The place seemed to be so peaceful that he had built a peace pole there. There are many peace poles all over the world, and this is the Toledo one. When people wanted to find him, they realized they had to go back there to the meditation spot to get him. Eventually somehow, he and several others gradually created an energy center or vortex and established the Angel Light Foundation. They placed a huge crystalline rock there and noted all the miracles that were happening. Piece by piece, section by section, other areas around the center point were developed with specific spiritual themes. One was the Peace Pole, another was the Mary icon place with the special white sugar quartz, the maze area for people that became a gathering place, a faery realm honoring, and so forth. Magic presented itself every step of the way, from the obtaining of the materials to the placement of the stones, with messages from spirit helpers, and the stories went on and on. Every spot had it’s own magical story.
Here is a picture of the Faery and nature spirit place

Of course, Daniel and I took turns sitting on the rock at the center of the vortex and enjoying the powerful spinning energy. I knew that the two men with us would totally enjoy some channeling of Galexis, and so I sat down and went under. I immediately sensed thousands or millions of spirits swirling around in a circular way, whispering all sorts of things. Galexis came in and commented on them and talked with them, sharing information about the place and the power. In response to a question, Galexis discussed how the energies of the place were to develop, especially a “spring” or water channel near the center. Furthermore, Galexis suggested that they could help the cause of peace by “ramping” up the vortex energies. This would involve getting everyone in the community who was willing to come to do a ceremony on the fall equinox. Jim recorded whatever Galexis said and Jerry asked a couple of questions. Being in trance with Galexis going on and on, I barely noticed that the wind had picked up and it was becoming cool. Galexis said that they would close so that the area might receive a gift of rain.
Here I am channeling while sitting on the center stone at the vortex with Jerry (left) and Jim, who’s recording what Galexis says. Note the peace pole in the back center and pond behind Jim.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark. Looking up, I saw black swirling clouds where previously only a few minutes before had been a blue sunny sky. Directly above the Angel Light vortex, the clouds swirled in the pattern of an “eye”. It would have been spooky if we didn’t realize that there was a connection between these awesome, potentially tornado-filled clouds with the protective power spot where we were. The wind was intense and I was getting cold. For several long minutes we four stood and looked up at the amazing rippling and swirling designs in the clouds before the “eye” moved away and disappeared. We got into our cars and headed out. By the time we had returned to the suburbs, the sky was again sunny and the dark clouds were far away.
Monday was a channeling day. Tuesday I channeled for Debbie and Steven privately. Debbie got some tremendously empowering information to help her with an issue she’d been chewing on and Steven looked into some of his approaches to the expansion of his work. That evening, we were invited to go to an EFT demo being presented by a friend of Debbie’s and daughter of a TLC member. Steven, Debbie, Daniel and I piled into Aylar and by following directions from Debbie, arrived at a new age book store on another side of the city. We all sat down and listened to the discussion about the amazing wonders of the Emotional Freedom Technique. By tapping various points on the body, the brain and psyche could change things quickly. People got happy, well and successful. Unfortunately, the woman didn’t lead a demonstration, which surprised me. We clapped for her efforts and in support for her beginning EFT practice.
Suddenly, all eyes were on me. “Would you channel?” they asked. I still wasn’t used to being the “star” or the major entertainment, but went with the flow. “Sure,” I said. All we had time for was about 10 minutes, so Galexis started talking. The talk was a pithy version of the talk given the previous Thursday with a little bit of the upcoming topic woven in. It was punchy and if it had been transcribed, it would have required no editing. I don’t know when Galexis has been so precise, eloquent and fluid. Wow, wish that had been recorded! It would have made a terrific sound bite for the website we couldn’t seem to be getting up online! After the channeling, people paid a lot of attention to me again. I bought a few items in the store and we all headed back home. That evening, Debbie talked about the healing she would do for me the next day and did a quick release of debris from my field. I felt good, but found it difficult to sleep that night.
Sleep Tales
Wednesday, I got a great healing from Debbie on an energy blockage in my heart chakra. It was easy to drift away in the deep peaceful session as I had not gotten enough sleep the previous night. Sleep is precious to me and now I began to sleep poorly again. Before Daniel and I had started out on our adventure, we were living (briefly) in our 1 bedroom condo. There I had had a session with healing ET’s (yes, the starship kind) with an amazing channel named Jackie Salvitti from Las Vegas. After suffering for years with varying degrees of insomnia, this 3rd session on my liver initiated my being able to fall asleep again once I woke up in the night. I didn’t lose so much time in bed waiting to fall back asleep. Now, after the exposure to all the smells and the quickie release Debbie had given me, my liver began to react and I found myself waking up early and having difficulty getting back to sleep. This is a real problem if you have things planned during the day, as I had. It meant I was beginning to be sleepy during the day but unable to get a nap in that fixed it. I started to drink a lot of coffee. On the road, it was next to impossible to know in advance just where we would be or if we would have adequate cell phone reception. So I couldn’t schedule another ET session. And since Jackie is so booked up in advance, that pretty much ruled out any possibility for a while.
I recommend ET healing sessions. I’m sure they helped save my life a few years ago when I was terribly ill. At that time I was suffering from insomnia so badly that I was seeing things that weren’t there during the day and feeling like I was being burnt by fire during the night. After two sessions I felt a major relief and after 3 sessions I had the turnaround I needed so that I could begin to sleep more. The sessions are done over the phone. You call in for your appointment. This is powerful stuff. If you are interested, check out Jackie Salvitti’s website All the information you need to know is there.
The day (Wednesday still!) was hot and humid, just as predicted. Our unusual electric arrangements didn’t allow us to run the AC for any long period of time without the system blowing a fuse. So we had to run Daniel’s AC more – thank goodness we had two systems. In the evening, a bunch of us piled into various cars and caravanned to the local Inn where the Toledo TLC met. Only a few people were there at starting time and the room was cold. We turned off the window unit AC’s however so that we could record the event. Galexis started and gave a nice punchy short little talk, although it wasn’t nearly as good as the 10 minute one. By the time Galexis started answering the questions, many more people were arriving and the energy was scattered with all the interruptions. Sixty people ended up coming in and the meeting room got quite hot. I sat around afterwards and people came to talk to me. My intuition was very high, after all the readings I had been giving and so I gave some people simple messages for their concerns. Afterwards, we planned to socialize a little but the local restaurant and bar were simply too busy and loud. People just weren’t into that energy after a Galexis event. We ended up home late and I was very tired, still short on sleep.
Thursday, we hitched up in the rain and drove by the nearby RV repair place to check out our AC. But since it wasn’t hot, the AC was working properly and no one would be able to get it to do its problematic thing until the afternoon, if then. I wondered if the irregular electricity from the “jury-rig” Daniel made of the two circuits (one 20 amp and one 15 amp) was the problem. We both realized there was no way of knowing and we wanted to be on our way out of this heat wave. Maybe the heat wave demands in the city were so heavy that there could be a flux in electrical flow? We wanted out towards cooler weather and I was also excited about the prospects for moving on west.