Part Eight; Washington D.C.

We left Pennsylvania, crossing steep forested ridges into high farmland. Bales of hay lay dotting the fields, already green again from so much rain. Lower and lower we drove through smaller hills into the coastal plains around Baltimore and much more traffic. The front we had encountered in Pennsylvania followed us into D.C., threatening us with rain. We found the RV Park, located between two interstates north of D.C. It was terribly noisy on one side and huge high-tension wires cut a swath through the center of the park. We were able to get a nice site next to a woodland path and far enough from the traffic noise to not bother us, and far enough from the high tension wires for me to keep my blood pressure up. By the time we had set up, the thunder had passed leaving only a heavy humidity behind. DC was in a heat wave that the front was not going to fix. Our arrival was early enough in the afternoon that we had time to shop at the local Whole Foods Market. It was smaller than our Plantation one and didn’t have many items we wanted. So we went to a local food coop, where we found cashews and pecans covered with a delicious crunchy maple something in the bulk foods area. Yum! Still several items we wanted were unavailable, especially the ProBars, a new bar that is a whole meal with blueberries in it – really tasty and satisfying.
The next day, we followed the elaborate directions via the Beltway into Rockville Maryland to visit with Jeffrey, a Galexis friend and son of Sheilah, a friend Daniel and I had known back in Daniel’s chef days of the early ‘80’s. We told Jeffrey that we would like to visit a nature place for a walk and he said he knew just the place. Following in our truck behind his car, we found ourselves at the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. This was a massive engineering undertaking built originally by George Washington starting in the late 1700’s and continuing until 1828. From then until 1924, the canal was used primarily to carry coal into the Capitol. The canal, also called the “C & O”, was arranged in locks so that boats could make their way up and down the 184 ½ mile canal for commerce. Until 2003, people rode one of the boats, called the “Canal Clipper.” It was damaged and sitting there next to the lock. I don’t see how it will ever be ready for people again but I understand it will be rebuilt. If you are curious, link to the website about it at (about C&O Park) or
The wide walkway alongside the canal was filled with people walking, bicycling, and jogging. I was thankful for the forests that bordered the canal as the heat was tempered into a pleasant day. At one point, we took a path deviating from the walkway and we wandered into a beautiful forest with rocky scrub on our way towards the mighty Potomac River. After the quiet canal area, I wasn’t prepared for the spectacular huge boulders with dramatic cascades and the loud frothing and hissing water of the Potomac. The view from a suspended bridge of one section of the river was awesome. Jeffrey asked if I could feel anything psychic or spiritually interesting there and I had to say no. Too many people came this way and I felt that the spirit energy was muted and in hiding from the crowds.

From the bridge we re-entered forest and then emerged on a cliff overlooking the major flow of the river. A long wide falls flowed down between banks of huge dark boulders. The span of it was impressive, perhaps a quarter mile of huge boulders and powerful white water. A few intrepid souls had left the walk and crawled over huge rocks to get to the riverside (see picture below), giving us a perspective of the river’s magnitude. The rest of us stood respectfully on the cliff platform, feeling and hearing the power of the river as it flowed past us. Far away, the other side of the river was Virginia. People the size of ants were standing on that side overlooking the same dramatic view.

After the thrilling river, Jeffrey wished I would channel Galexis so he could see how it looked. We sat on a bench near the river and I slipped into trance. Galexis spoke about the beauty and power of the spot. When Jeffrey asked if there were any spirits around, Galexis said there were “little people.” “How do I see them?” asked Jeffrey, and Galexis answered that one needed to have a perspective shift. People see things from the point of view of beings 5 – 6 feet high. Imagine being 5 or 6 inches high. What places would appeal to you? There on that rock would be an ideal ceremonial ground, over there the foundation of homes along a ridge perhaps 3 feet high. It would be similar to what children imagine when they have a toy and they are using their environment as a backdrop for the fantasies with the toy. Everything is on a smaller scale. When I came out of the channeling, I made an attempt to remember how to see things that way and I indeed began to sense which places would be attractive. Of course, I would have to go off-trail to find places where Little People could be themselves without tourists interfering!
From there, we went to Sheilah’s place. She is still a chef and has written several great cookbooks with the theme “easy quick food to prepare when you’re on the go.” Check out her website at and maybe you’ll enjoy an easier life by using her recipes. Sheilah travels all over the place teaching cooking classes.
The Metraux’s on the Metro
Time was running out so we had to go. We were due in downtown DC at an art gallery where we’d meet my sister Jean and her husband Gary. A good friend of Jean’s was having a show at one of the galleries downtown and was giving a talk about her plein-air paintings. Jean is the editor of a local magazine called “Where.” Where is distributed to hotels and restaurants all over the city and has all the info on what’s happening – art, theatre, food, etc. are all covered. If you’ve been in a hotel room in a large city you’ve undoubtedly found a copy of some magazine like this there. This seems to me to be the perfect job for my sister who has always been the trendy one among our family and friends. She was reviewing a gallery or two to put into a future issue.
We were staying in an RV park not far from the Green Line of the Metro. So our plan was to drive to the University of Maryland station, called College Park, and park our truck there and take the Metro downtown. We started out in good time and used the directions given us by the park on how to find the station. Unfortunately, the directions said “two miles” on US1 and so we passed by the College Park station at around 1 mile without seeing it. We ended up in a major traffic jam around the Prince George Station further down the road. None of the directions seemed to fit so we went in circles in slow traffic looking for the parking garage. At a light, we asked the woman in the car next to us where the College Park station was. The woman looked surprised or puzzled and asked “College Park?” to be sure. “Yes” we answered. She waved her arms to indicate “way over there” pointing back to where we’d come from. “It’s a couple of miles back that way!” “Thankyou” we said, thinking that she didn’t know what she was talking about. We were here at the College Park Station, weren’t we?
Finally we found the entrance to a parking garage, but it was closed with a sign “use other street entrance.” What other street? By now we were frustrated and I called Jean on the cell to tell her that we were now running late. She sounded disappointed as she said there were several people there wanting to meet us. Did we want to call it all off and see her tomorrow night? Or meet her after the gallery scene at the restaurant? We said we still wanted to make it downtown and we’d call her from time to time about our progress. Just about that moment, Daniel spied the other entrance to the garage and we slipped into a parking spot and headed for the Metro train tracks.
We bought a day-pass because we couldn’t really figure out our fare in minimal time and after some confusion about signs that pointed both ways, finally found our tracks. Right away came a train and we boarded. Exhausted and frustrated, the ride re-invigorated us. We enjoyed watching all the interesting people on the train, an eclectic cross-section. We switched at the correct station and quickly another train came and we arrived at our destination without much waiting. We called Jean. “We’re coming out of the Metro – which street and which way?” She was amazed that we had made it quickly and gave us the two block directions.
Following her directions, we ended up walking through an alley with limousines and a lot of people walking about. Jean was standing and waving outside the gallery. My older sister has straight gray-blondish hair almost to her shoulders with no bangs, is slender and as usual this evening, wearing lots of black. She excitedly gestured us towards a couple of people in a car next to her. We met Alison the driver and a friend in a fancy sports car. I could not tell at first if Alison was a man or woman because her voice was so deep and she spoke not unlike a gay fellow in drag. Colorful character and funny! She invited us over to her loft for a party.
When I appeared to walk into the gallery, Jean grabbed my arm and rushed us onward to the next gallery where her friend would speak. “This gallery,” she said, referring to the one she had been visiting, “has nothing of interest.” (That I might want to see it was immaterial. She was always the style maven in our family, or maybe it was an older sister thing?) Down the street we briskly walked past one little hole-in-the-wall gallery after another. The evening temperature was pleasant and a lot of people were milling around from gallery to gallery. This part of the city is known for its galleries. However, another part of the city has also been “discovered” by creative young people and was becoming the new gallery scene for the younger set.
I enjoyed Jean’s friend’s paintings. The painter was an unassuming creative woman like so many beautiful ones I know, and she found it a challenge to talk about her art. After all, she could hardly be objective and simple about something that was so ingrained in her, deep and complex. She sounded like an art teacher, a bit stiff in her approach. But her work was delightful. I have not had the time to do this plein-air stuff myself but I certainly would enjoy doing it at some point in the future. The colors, contrasts, and dynamic movement of the paintings were superb and most of all, it looked like a fun experience in the moment, as one did plein-air outside in a sitting. Most of her pictures were representational but her latest ones were becoming more abstract.
From there we went to dinner at an Indian restaurant whose employees recognized Jean right away and treated us like kings and queens. This is common wherever Jean and Gary go, since they are restaurant reviewers for her magazine. By giving the Indian restaurant a good review in her magazine their business had picked up substantially. We were given all sorts of little freebies – yum! After the dinner, Jean drove us on a tour of DC, maneuvering through the narrow lanes of the streets with a local’s ease. We saw all the sights at night and night is not my best time for good vision. But even though the view was dark for me, Jean told us funny story after story about each thing. She knew all the odd bits of data about most of the places. But then she and Gary collect odd bits of data. Each year during the holidays, the two of them take all the weirdest stories of the year (from papers around the country sent in by friends) and sort out the top 10. These are done at a Thanksgiving weekend party in their house where all the stories are pasted to the walls for the guests to read and vote upon. The winners are printed up on the front and back of an 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper or by email and are inserted with the holiday picture card into an envelope and mailed to the holiday card list. But back to D.C. - by the time we were all yawning a bit, we had finished a thorough tour of all the downtown touristy places. I had also looked through her most recent Where magazine and saw an art exhibit of Australian aboriginal women’s paintings which looked intriguing.
Then we were dropped off at the Metro station and headed back. We got off at College Park and proceeded to find our way through a completely unfamiliar station to the garage that also looked completely different. For a moment it was as if we’d stepped into the Twilight Zone. We were totally befuddled, frustrated and very tired, and it was late. We wandered around the station, looking for anything that resembled what we had remembered and found nothing. We talked to the station manager, a pleasant African-American man in a cage next to the turnstiles. It took only a moment for him to realize that the station we were describing was the Prince Georges station, not the College Park station. So we had to wait with some bored college students on the train platform for about 15 minutes to get the next train towards town. One student, a nervous Asian woman, looked fretful and paced about. Just as we boarded the train, she pointed out a man slumped in a seat nearby. “He could be suffering from alcohol poisoning and could die” she worried. Seems she brought the station manager up to look at him and the manager said “he’ll sleep over it.” But would he? We were not about to sacrifice our train in the middle of the night at this point, so we asked her to call 911 when she got to her destination. “If he is suffering from alcohol poisoning,” I said, “then you will be his mystery angel that saves him.” Her eyes grew moist and she became silent, sitting just behind us in the car as if to feel companionship with us. I asked my guides for help and got a message that all was as it was supposed to be, whatever that meant. So I never knew whether the man lived or died. Such is life in the city.
At Prince Georges Station, everything looked familiar. We found our truck and headed home, passing the entrance to the College Park Station. We were laughing about this now and realizing that the woman we’d asked in traffic about the College Park station had indeed known exactly where it was. No wonder she looked puzzled when we had asked her! And we had missed and ignored all the other “whispers” also sent our way. I remembered that I had even seen “Prince Georges” written on the station walls where we waiting for our train to downtown and conveniently forgot it because I was so determined to have been at the College Park station. Funny, that reality thing with one’s mind! How powerful intention is! We write the reality the way we want to see it and miss how it really is.
If our being in the wrong place at the right time or the right place at the wrong time wasn’t enough, on the way back we had to sit for a half hour in a sobriety checkpoint at the University of Maryland. Even they have to check if we’re in our right mind! We were laughing at the message. We laughed again when I remembered how Starr had said that my resistances to success were transferred to traffic delays. So that was it! It was past midnight when we returned to our RV and we fell into our beds as fast as we could. What a full day!
Day Two; We Party DC Style
The next day we drove over to Jean and Gary’s house. It had been years since I’d visited the big 2-story white house in suburban Chevy Chase, Maryland. Walking into the house, you pass a guest ½ bath and foyer and then step into a white living room that is actually a gallery. Everything is white, the floor, the walls, the furniture, even the mantel for the fireplace. Over the fireplace are some original “Marilyn” prints by Andy Warhol. Other pieces included a small Rauschenberg on another wall and a Gene Davis covering the far wall under atrium style windows (spotlights at night to be sure). Gene Davis was an up-and-coming artist who was best known in the ‘70’s for his huge paintings of stripes. Before his untimely death, he had held art classes that Gary and Jean attended. This particular painting is at least 15 feet long and 8 feet high with the dominant color yellow-orange. The floors are polished wood which show everywhere except in the kitchen, again white on white on white. My thoughts have always been “what a bear to clean! Being nearsighted is an advantage here – less dirt details to see!” We had a little lemonade and then it was time to go.
Gary drove us through such complex road patterns and turns, I decided that I would never be able to get back if I had to figure it out myself! Away from the touristy spots we went into an old commercial district. Like other older parts of the city, it fell on hard times and remained neglected until artsy types discovered it. The place was now getting filled with lofts and other clever living arrangements made out of the old warehouses. A boring exterior of our destination house was matched by a much more interesting architecturally designed interior. At the penthouse door, Alison and Don met us with offering of food and wine. This was the party, basically just the 6 of us, appetizers to the meal that was coming. They were wealthy and retired, but found suburban life boring. So they moved here to be near more culture, art showings and all the excitement of a large interesting city. They have not regretted their move, although like us, they had moved from a very large space into a small one. Their 3-story loft is a half of a “tower” so every floor is narrow and round. The inevitable hallways and high open spaces over rooms are filled with interesting and colorful art Daniel and I both liked. We went to the top of the top floor that was a roof with potted plants and chaise lounges. We stood looking over the balcony at the city spread out beneath us. I could easily see the Washington Monument and other signature landmarks.
Alison and Don had a very annoying neighbor who delighted in stealing their deliveries, writing them weird notes and making mischief for them with the condo board, whose members seemingly were friends of his. This had exasperated the couple and Alison talked about how she was trying to send “love” energy to the fellow. Well, Daniel and my metaphysical selves jumped on the opportunity to share with them a visualization that seems to work wonders on people who have it out for you. You imagine the person giving you the trouble, encased in a bubble of mirrors facing inward. All positive and loving thoughts make it out to whomever they are sent to. But negative or judgmental thoughts are bounced back to the sender. This makes people more responsible for the impact of their actions and emotions. We have seen magical results with seemingly intractable people by using this method. One fellow actually ended up in jail two days later. Alison and Don soaked it up. They had a metaphysical bent that normally they kept hidden, it seemed. At one point, a happy Alison grabbed my arm and whispered “next time you’re in DC, call us and let’s get together. And don’t tell Jean and Gary. We want you all to ourselves!”
Jean looked at her watch. ”Gotta go,” she said. Jean is very organized and schedules things precisely. Must be that Virgo Rising. So we said our goodbyes. We arrived on time at a trendy restaurant on the other side of the Potomac with a view of the Capitol’s skyline. Jean’s daughter Allison and her fiancé Chris met us there and we got a great table with obsequious waiters (because here’s the editor of Where at our restaurant again and who gave us a good review which increased our revenues!). Jean’s other daughter Emily was unable to join us. She was on an extended trip to Spain with her husband Jason. (Shortly after our DC trip we got over 200 interesting and artsy pictures from them of the sights, many of which had to do with art and museums. Like parents, like children!) We looked at the menu that was all about outrageously creative tastes with southern food. I’ve never seen okra, hush puppies, duck, fried green tomatoes and other items prepared in such unusual ways. My stomach was going to be challenged! We ordered and then settled back with some wine to chat.
Allison is a lawyer who specializes in art and artists’ creative rights. She places art with clients to match their style and personality too. You can check it out, but it’s hard to see what she does on her website, which is an expanded business card; Fiance Chris is a major salesperson for a “techie” company and seems to know everything about computers – an excellent example of the ease of the younger generation with the most advanced equipment and inventions. The two of them live together in Allison’s 4th floor walk-up in an up-and-coming trendy area of DC. We finally had our hike after dinner by climbing the well padded stairs up to their top floor apartment. Chris grows herbs and likes to cook with them on special occasions so the place smelled really great.
Sunday afternoon, Daniel and I drove over to Jean and Gary’s, got in their car again, and went to see the Aboriginal women’s art showing, entitled “Dreaming Their Way” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The museum was due to close soon by the time we arrived, so we had to move quickly through the exhibit. The link shows a picture of the exhibit which accurately represents the shamanic psychedelic and symbolic style works produced by Aboriginal women. Click on the biographies of the women themselves for colorful and interesting stories with pictures of the women. It was definitely a “trippy” exhibit I’d recommend to anyone in DC. Since we saw it, the exhibit has moved to nearby Dartmouth College, and will finally close there on December 10th .
From there we went to the Smithsonian to see the mineral and gem collection. Since the pieces highlighted in the displays were collected in the early part of the 20th Century before rock collecting was such a rage, the pieces were way beyond spectacular. And dramatic lighting showed off the crystals and gems to the greatest degree possible. After oohing and aahing for an hour, we ate a brief dinner in a fast food restaurant there and hurried over to the theatre. My sister had obtained tickets (free of course, another Where perk) for a creative remake of a Shakespearean Play, “Love’s Labor’s Lost.” The play was not a great hit in its day, nor has it received anywhere as much acclaim through the years as a great work as other plays by Shakespeare. Perhaps it was because LLL was a sarcastic look at the puffed up egos of the day, with nuances that later readers or performers were unable to grasp. Anyway, to spiffy it up, the play had be rewritten and put not in a king’s castle about the egotistical hangers on at the palace, but as famous rock and rollers coming to the great guru in India for philosophical enlightenment during the early ‘70’s.
Although we were here in a major metropolitan city with a focus on culture, the players came across as good amateurs in a small city theatre production. Maybe it was the script, because the actors were quite talented in singing and playing musical instruments, or maybe they were musicians recruited for acting. Whatever the reason, I nodded off more than once. So did Daniel and I noticed with a smile, so did Jean and Gary. Unlike everything else we have done where we talked about what we thought or felt afterwards, none of us mentioned anything about the play after we left the theatre. We rode back to Jean and Gary’s through yet another back road and by the time we made it to Chevy Chase, it was past everyone’s bedtime. So we said our goodbyes. Daniel and I returned to our RV spent, feeling complete.
We didn’t tell Jean and Gary that we had decided to stay in town a while. The main reason was that we assumed, correctly, that being in a big city that we would definitely have cell phone reception. So we had scheduled two days of channeling for me. The first day went along pretty well, but the second day was strange in that the phone I was using would spike and drop out and then back on as usual. Every time this happened, the phones got disconnected between me and Galexis and the clients. So they’d have to keep calling back. Once the electricity went out too, which meant that the CD we were recording was lost entirely. The unfortunate client during that time had to call back 6 times. We felt very bad about all the interruptions, and by the end of the day, even Galexis seemed stressed, which I’d never seen before. Or maybe it was just me projecting that on Galexis. It was like the times when I channeled before the Galexis days when multiple beings would come through one at a time and each time they would change from one to the next one would tire me. The only explanation we could put together as to why the phones would go from 6 bars to 0 and back erratically was that we were near major high tension wires. After several days in the city, I could feel an internal disturbance coming from them, although they were over a ¼ mile away.
D.C. has its intrigues. Our next door neighbor at the park was mysterious. He was a quiet and secretive governmental employee it looked like. Spying? Undercover? He kept odd hours. We would never have had such an imagination if we were in another area of the country. Contrast this to the amazement Daniel had during one of my channeling sessions as he looked out the window to see several dear nibbling leaves on the trees and bushes only a few feet away!
Here’s a picture he took of one wild dear deer!

After the channeling days, we had a rest day. Daniel gave me a deliciously wonderful energy healing and I relaxed more deeply than I usually do. We made our last food rounds, going to the local coop and doing our laundry. By this time, we no longer saw ants in the trailer. Hooray! Thursday, the next day, we decided to have some fun in D.C. We parked at College Park easily this time and took the Metro downtown like natives. We rented Segways from Capitol Segway and tooled around downtown through the tourist areas, the Capitol, the White House, etc. in a tour led by a young man who was completely at home on the conveyance. This was the most fun I’d had in ages and being on a Segway is much like flying low to the ground – effortless maneuvering. Turning and moving in any direction can be done on a dime. Six of us led by the tour guide saw all the sights and got history lessons on interesting buildings in DC, which is filled to the top with interesting buildings and their stories. After being on a Segway, walking is really boring and filled with effort. After our tour, we ate a tasty dinner at a downtown bistro that wasn’t too loud and young. Hey, we’re old fogeys now. We like quieter restaurants!
Here’s our official tourist picture on our Segways.

Food, Health and Traveling
I probably had the most trepidation about traveling around the country away from the big cities when I considered food. After all, my diet has been mostly organic and healthy for years. It seems that my body doesn’t handle all the additives and junk food well. However, we have been able to keep to our diet remarkably well on the road. We will either pause or park in larger cities so we can shop at the local Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Fresh Fields, Earth Fare, Yes! and other health-oriented supermarkets. Then you can also imagine the surprise when we decided that there was nothing in the boonies so we had to shop at the local places, only to find that many places offer organic sections in the stores. Food Giant had organic head lettuce when we couldn’t even find it in the local health food supermarket nearby. Ingles had organic stuff on every aisle. I would make Ingles my favorite mainstream supermarket if there were one near us in South Florida. WalMart Supercenters have really good fresh chicken without preservatives. Many places have prepackaged salads and spinach by Earthbound Farms and Fresh Express. We were totally happy about this. We also found delicious local produce by the roadside here and there. Blueberry, cherry, plum, and huckleberry (in Montana in August) season has been wonderful! Yum! I’ve had the best of these fruits than I ever experienced before and so now I know what all the fuss about them is! And the tomatoes too! While you know the roadside produce probably wasn’t organic, it was ripe and tasted good. It felt healthy, possibly from the personal attention that went into it. There are various websites that can help you locate local organic produce. While I have not checked all of these out, you may want to explore some of these resources to obtain wholesome food that supports not only your body but also the environment:
(Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, Community Supported Agriculture or CSA),
(Farmers' Markets), ,
(Weston A. Price Foundation) , (Local Harvest This Web site will help you find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.
(Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals) The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, and hotels, and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
(FoodRoutes) The FoodRoutes Find Good Food map can help you connect with local farmers so that you can find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, CSA's, and markets near you.
(Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA)) CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
If you are considering being away from your health food connections, I suggest that you get the book “Healthy Highways” by Nikki and David Goldbeck. You can look up health food stores, supermarkets and restaurants in every state. Beyond that, check out the local supermarkets. Upon entering a supermarket, you can generally tell by the smell if you’re going to find anything good there. Think about it. If you smell grease and fabric softener mixed together, you know this is not the place! If you are visiting friends, they will know the cool places to find those special foods. And you also need to know your body well enough so that if you deviate off a diet, you know how to compensate for it. For example, if you are off milk products and you get a Caesar salad at a restaurant (because that’s the best quality food that’s there), then take your milk digesting pills with you. Afterwards, take some acidophilus-based probiotics to assist your bowel culture for digestion. That’s just one example. I have all sorts of compensational maneuvers for different off-diet foods. But what is great, is that if you consistently eat healthfully, then you generally are not craving to go off your diet. Good quality food deserves to be eaten, even if it’s not perfect.
I have learned this through great cost. I avoided any food for awhile that had any controversy attached to it. If one group said this was bad and another said good, I’d refuse it. I got to where I could only eat almond butter without concern. Don’t go to the Scorpio extremism I did. Enjoy your food and your life. Make peace with it and it’ll all work. And if your immune system feels down because you’ve eaten stuff you don’t normally, take a bunch of NAC (N-Acetyl-Choline) which is the Glutathione precursor in your body. Glutathione is a powerhouse of health. It will detox your liver and clear up your skin! Don’t be without it in a pinch, especially if you have a cold or flu. Now I know I tend to take too many pills. But since my flood incident I take far fewer and feel better. It’s all about balance and what you can absorb!
Until next time…